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Ningxia Zhuoyu New Material Technology Co., Ltd.


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Strengthen safety awareness,Keep abreast of safety training

The company's safety production standardization is a systematic project,It is an important part of the enterprise management system,It requires unremitting efforts,Carry forward the spirit of perseverance,to achieve the desired effect。

Safety production standardization is to prevent accidents,An important foundation for strengthening safety production management,It is to deeply implement the spirit of the "Notice of the State Council on Further Strengthening Enterprise Safety Production"。It has a very good role in promoting and promoting the establishment of a long-term mechanism for safe production by enterprises.,Can effectively ensure the completion of enterprise safety production goals。

2022March 28,The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Department organized on-the-job employees to conduct safety production standardization learning,Company leaders elaborated on the importance of enterprise safety production,The company emphasizes that "safety first",The safety production concept of "prevention first"。Employees have strengthened their safety awareness through learning,Further standardize employee behavior,Put an end to three violations,Prevent and avoid accidents。



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